Did you know Branson is home to “America’s Largest Veterans Celebration?” It’s called “Branson’s Veterans Homecoming Week” and it’s a holiday you don’t want to miss! It starts November 3 and runs through November 11. You will love Veterans Day in Branson!
We are proud to be an American and love celebrating our Veterans. Wondering what to do for the upcoming holiday? We’ve got you covered! Here are our recommendations on what to do on Veterans Day in Branson:
- Annual Branson Veterans Day Parade :: The Veterans Day parade will take place in downtown Branson at 11:00 am. For parade information call Vietnam Veterans of American Chapter 913 at 417-294-0728
- College of the Ozarks :: Go see Flames of Freedom, a true story of a graduate from School of the Ozarks who became a navigator on a B-17 bomber in World War II. The story is incredible and admission is free {Dates: October 3, 5, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 24, 26, 31; November 7, 9*, 11, 12, 14, & 16. *November 9th showing will be a special 7 pm showing for Veterans, open to the public.}
- Veterans Sporting Clay Shoots :: This fundraiser gives you access to lunch, a drawing for door prizes, and 100 targets! {November 4, Starting at 8:30 AM, Ozark Shooters Complex, bransonveteransevents@yahoo.com}
- Opening Ceremony “Vets for Vets Celebration” :: The 6th annual “Vets for Vets Celebration Show” that kicks off Branson’s Veterans Homecoming week. {November 5, Doors open at 1 PM, Baldknobbers Theater, Free}
- Welcome Home Celebration Opening Day :: Visit Jim Stafford’s Theatre from 3-5 PM on November 5 to kick off Veterans Week!
- World War II Mini Reunion :: Jim Stafford’s Theatre on November 5 from 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM
- Branson’s IMAX ‘Military Film Festival’ :: Free for veterans, $5 of all others. Seating begins at 8 AM, film begins at 8:30 AM. Nov. 6 “The Unimaginable Journey of Peter Ertel”, Nov. 7 “Heroes on Deck: WWII on Lake Michigan”, Nov. 8 “Lost and Found: The Legacy of the USS Lagarto”, Nov. 9 “The Unimaginable Journey of Peter Ertel”, Nov. 10“Brothers in War”
- Vietnam Veterans Mini Reunion :: Clay Cooper Theatre November 6, 10 AM-12 PM
- Medics, Nurses, & Combat Vets Mini Reunion :: Westgate Resort Grand Pavilion November 6, 2 PM – 4 PM
- Sandbox Party Breakfast :: Free breakfast for all veterans that have served in the “Sandbox” at Mel’s Hard Luck Diner on November 7th from 8:30 AM to 10 AM
- POW/MIA Service Remembrance :: The POW/MIA Service of Remembrance will be at the Vietnam Memorial Wall at the Welk Resort at 8 AM on November 7.
- POW Network 21st Annual Military Gala & Banquet :: An elegant evening of dining and celebration in the Great Hall at Chateau on the Lake. November 8. Tickets & Reservations required. Contact the Chateau on the Lake for more details.
- Women Veterans Mini Reunion :: Best Western Branson Inn & Conference Center on November 8 at 4 PM. RSVP required bransonveteransevents@yahoo.com
- Annual Tribute to Women Veterans & Rose Petal Ceremony :: Pentagon Survivor guest speaker at the Clarion Hotel on November 9. Contact bvtf-mo@hotmail.com for more information.
- Morning Flag Raising & Wreath Laying Ceremony :: College of the Ozark will host a morning flag raising and wreath laying ceremony near the Williams Memorial Chapel at 7 AM on November 10.
- Veterans Day Pancake Breakfast :: American Legion Post 220 will host a pancake breakfast from 7 AM to 10 AM at the Legion facility at the Faith Lutheran Church on November 10.
- Marine Corps Ball :: The Marine Corps Ball & Semper Fi Raffle will be held at the Radisson Hotel Branson on November 10 at 6 PM.
- Veterans Day Observation :: Veterans and Military Coalition of the Ozarks will observe Veterans Day at 9 AM, November 12 at Big Cedar Lodge. Ceremonies include speakers, flag presentation, color guard, three-volley salute, wreath-laying, military static displays, and other activities
We are also offering a discount to all guests who make a new reservation and stay 3 or more nights the week of Veterans Day!