Anyone else going a bit stir crazy with all of this at-home time? While we love the extra family time, there are only so many ideas you can come up with before you start getting bored. And as we head into April, we are preparing for the many inevitable days of rain showers. So we’ve compiled a list of fun things to do inside!
- Bake :: It’s’ time to finally try those recipes you have saved on Pinterest! Get the family involved!
- Make a fort :: Build an indoor fort and watch a movie in it!
- Make a photo book :: Go through the photos on your phone and create a photo book of your favorite memories or your favorite trip. These make the best gifts!
- Go on an indoor scavenger hung to treasure hunt
- Make a list of things your thankful for
- Paint :: Check out blog post for some painting ideas
- Coloring books :: They make kids and adult versions!
- Start a puzzle
- Make slime or play dough
- FaceTime your family members and friends
- Bust out the legos
- Watch a move marathon
- Play cards
- Have an indoor picnic
- Start learning another language :: Download Duolingo on your phone or watch one of your favorite movies in another language.
- Read books
- Make pizza from scratch
- Make a sensory bin for your kids :: Check Pinterest for some fun ideas!
- Enjoy an at home spa day :: We ordered masks & bath balls from Amazon!
- Try a science experiment :: Here are some fun ideas
- Get organized :: Start with a drawer or one room and make your way through your home!
- Play childhood board games!
- Start an indoor herb garden
- Try a DIY :: I have a full board of fun things we want to DIY one day… well it seems one day is finally here!
- Make a post quarantine bucket list